Tuesday, March 3, 2020
French Expressions Using Monter
French Expressions Using Monter The French verb monter literally means to go up and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to be promoted, rise gently, turn up the volume, and more with this list of expressions with monter. Possible Meanings of Monter to go upto assembleto climb up/intoto editto mountto organize, set upto put upto riseto stageto take upto turn upto well up Expressions with Monter monter to go up to visit / work in (a city)monter bicycletteto cycle up; to ride a bikemonter bord (dun navire)to go on board a shipmonter chevalto get on a horse; to ride a horsemonter / jusquto come up tomonter /dans sa chambreto go up to ones roommonter là ©tageto go upstairsmonter piedto walk upmonter aux arbresto climb treesmonter dans lestime de quelquunto rise in someones estimationmonter dans un avionto board a planemonter dans un trainto board a trainmonter des maillesto cast on stitchesmonter en courantto run upmonter en flà ¨cheto soar (literally and figuratively)monter en gradeto be promotedmonter en lacetsto wind upwardsmonter en parallà ¨leto connect in parallelmonter en pente douceto rise gentlymonter en sà ©rieto connect in seriesmonter en titubantto stagger upmonter en trainto go up by trainmonter en voitureto drive up; to get into a carmonter le bourrichon quelquun (informal)to put ideas in someones headmonter le coup quelquun (fam)to take someone for a ridemonter lescalierto go up the stairsmonter la gamme (music)to go up the scalemonter la gardeto go/be on guardmonter le sonto turn the volume upmonter la tà ªte quelquunto get someone worked upmonter par lascenseurto take the elevator upmonter prà ©venir quelquunto go up and tell someonemonter quelque chose en à ©pingleto blow something all out of proportionmonter quelquun contre quelquunto set someone against someonemonter voir quelquunto go up and see someonemonter surto climb up onmonter sur le trà ´neto ascend to the thronemonter sur un arbreto climb a treemonter sur une bicycletteto get on a bicyclemonter sur une collineto climb a hillmonter sur une à ©chelleto climb a laddermonter un chevalto ride a horsemonter une cà ´teto go up a hillmonter un coupto plan a jobmonter une histoire pour dà ©shonorer quelquunto invent a scandal to ruin someones nameÃâ¡a fait monter les prix. It makes prices go up.Cest lartiste qui monte.Hes an up-and-coming artist.Cest lhomme qui monte.Hes on the way up (to fame).Cest une histoire montà ©e de toutes pià ¨ces.Its a complete fabrication.à ªtre montà © contreto be dead set againstfaire monter des blancs en neigeto beat egg whites into stiff peaksfaire monter quelquunto tell someone (e.g., a guest) to come upfaire monter ses valisesto have ones luggage taken upJe monte la garde (sign)Beware of dogLa moutarde me monte au nez.Im losing my temper.se monterto come to, amount tose monter le bourrichon (informal)to get all worked upse monter la tà ªte (pour un rien)to get all worked up (over nothing)Monter conjugations
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